Academic Excellence

FIJI at Arizona State University is renowned for its academic excellence, consistently maintaining an impressive chapter average GPA of 3.3. Their commitment to scholastic achievement reflects their dedication to both personal growth and the pursuit of academic excellence.


The brotherhood of FIJI at Arizona State University is a tight-knit community of diverse individuals who share a common bond of friendship and mutual support. With a rich history and strong tradition, FIJI fosters an inclusive environment that encourages personal growth, leadership development, and lifelong connections. From philanthropic initiatives to social activities, joining FIJI means becoming part of a dynamic brotherhood that embraces values of integrity, service, and academic excellence, creating an inspiring environment where individuals can thrive and make a lasting impact.


FIJI at Arizona State University is known for its vibrant and engaging social scene, hosting a wide range of exciting events that foster lasting memories and lifelong friendships. From themed parties and mixers to philanthropic fundraisers and community outreach activities, the social calendar of FIJI is always buzzing with opportunities to connect, have fun, and make a positive impact. Joining FIJI means gaining access to a dynamic social network that embraces camaraderie, celebrates diversity, and creates unforgettable experiences, ensuring that your college years are filled with excitement, laughter, and meaningful connections.


FIJI at Arizona State University is a philanthropic powerhouse, making a tangible difference in the community through their dedicated efforts and record-breaking events. Their commitment to community service is exemplified by the highly successful "Shave to Save" event, where they shattered fundraising records, raising significant funds for a worthy cause. Joining FIJI means becoming part of a brotherhood that actively engages in philanthropy and community service, providing opportunities to contribute to meaningful causes, make a positive impact, and leave a lasting legacy of service and compassion.